Sorry ladies I know I am a day late but I was busy travelling yesterday came home to the family so that I could spend some vacation time with my mom and sister and next week I have a four day trip with my dad that I'm super excited about but details will come later! I hope everyone has an amazing 4th of July weekend spent safely with family and friends we are going to watch some fireworks and an amazing local band play so I will probably post some pictures tomorrow! Enjoy reading and I'm off to reading other Friday Fill-In posts!
Tell us about your dream job… one that you could do regardless of pay.
I would have to say the one job I would do regardless of pay would be a 4-H camp counselor. I did do that for three years and it had been one of the most rewarding experiences I have ever had plus it introduced me to the love of my life... Doesn't get much better than that now does it?
What is your most prized material possession (kids and pets don’t count!)?
I'd have to say my most prized possession would be my engagement ring. We looked here and there before we got engaged but I never said what I wanted. Whenever he dropped to one knee on the beach at sunset, (well that was romantic enough as is) but the fact that he picked out the ring himself without me ever saying what I wanted and the fact that in my mind it is simply gorgeous I couldn't be happier!
What has been your favorite duty station and why?
I would say San Juan Puerto Rico even though I didn't get to live there with him I did get to visit and let me just say that there was so much to do there more than where we are now! But I know I wouldn't have liked housing I would've had to buy a ton of rugs I just hate those school tile floors!
What is your least favorite household chore?
That without a doubt would be dishes! I love my family, friends, and of course J a ton but touching dirty dishes freaks me out I don't know why it just always has!
If you could give one piece of advice to a teenager today (not specifically a MilTeen), what would it be?
Stay strong life throws curve balls at you and when you are young it is hard to handle especially teens! I remember I was 13 about to turn 14 ready for high school, dating, and partying with friends! Well that got all messed up whenever my mom had my sister and everything halted! I rebelled I thought it was punishment I had to babysit all the time while my friends were out living it up but now I see it as a blessing I got to avoid some of the rough stuff from a young age and now I'm more thankful than ever!