Monday, June 28, 2010

Top Two Tuesday and Mingle Monday all in one!!!

Ok so the Top 2 things I'd take to a deserted island...
1. Monopoly!!!
I absolutely LOVE this game I remember being younger and my friend and I played a continuous game that lasted 3 days... NO joke my parents wondered how we didn't get bored... only taking breaks to eat sleep and potty...

2. Dear John (the book)
I could read this book over and over again so I'd never get bored and I love reading on the beach but then again who doesn't???

Also today I participated in Monday Mingle and it is the first time that I have done that and it is AWESOME so you all should head on over and participate!!! It's an awesome way to meet new people so check it out!!!!

The award will be posted at the end of the day because I am working on an awesome blog but it also has a lot of questions in it... Oh ladies I could certainly use some advice... It just makes me want to cry but we will get to that later tonight.

Ok I hope everyone enjoys the rest of their day!


  1. Following you too! I love Dear John! I like all of Nicholas Sparks book. They are sooo good.

  2. I love your two choices! The only Nicholas Sparks book I've read is The Last Song and I loved the way it was written. And I am also a huge fan of Monopoly! :D haha

  3. Ok I think I need to read Dear John this summer!! Everyone says it is great!

  4. My husband and daughter LOVE Monopoly, but definitely not one of my favorites!

    Also love Nicholas Sparks, but prefer his earlier books :)

  5. Stopping by from top 2 tuesday! Great choices :) Love your blog!

  6. Hey there! Following you back! Thanks for stopping by! Have a great day!

