Sunday, October 17, 2010

Giving this a try... Again!

So what's been going on lately?

I have been going to school with a full load its exhausting... and frankly uninteresting...

I painted my nails gunmetal and I'm sorta loving it but its not the color I'm feeling right now and I can't find that either...

Tomorrow I will probably post a picture...

Next I am drooling and I mean I need a bib drooling over a pair of Calvin Klein Over The Knee Boots...
Let me know what ya'll think!

Plus I am considering selling my laptop to purchase a MacBook what does everyone think?

Ok so now its bedtime but more interesting things in the future and some awesome pictures!

I worked a golf tournament Friday that was supposed to be sexy beer cart girl that turned into bundled up ber cart girl but we made some great money for a great cause so I am happy!

~Miss Lifeguard!

1 comment:

  1. I was blog hopping and wanted to say hi. I have a Mac and LOVE it, however I do find that their are many things out their that are not compatible with macs (at least not yet) but I still wouldn't trade it for the world! Have a great weekend and Happy Halloween!
