Sunday, December 19, 2010
Christmas Cookies and Bedroom Wish List!
Needless to say it was a very fun night but a very large mess to clean up!!!
Next I think I mentioned that Mister Guardian and I scored big and a friend of us gave us a King Sized bed because they had to get rid of it. I'm thrilled plus it has basically never been used so SCORE! Only one little issue with it, which of course the mister sees no problem but then again he doesn't care much about how the room looks he just sleeps there! It is green! Keep in mind is was in a cabin so it has a very woods feel and is like Pine Tree Green! For a cabin in the mountains in the woods FINE for my coastal beachy oasis not so fine. So this is sorta what it looks like here...
Except remember it is pine tree green!!! I want something a little more like this...
Except with different bedding! But I think come summer or Spring I'll break that bed out and strip the current paint and paint it this beautiful color white and maybe distress it a bit!
While I was looking for the beautiful bed that I want mine to look like I found this bathroom... As long as it had my beautiful tub (I have a problem I want jacuzzi mixed with claw foot mixed with rain shower head) but it it had all the qualifications with a fireplace I might could be in love. I hate cold bathrooms!
Ok so that is all for now and I will go back to dreamland about how I want my house to look!
Do you ladies (and gentlemen if any of you are reading!) What would y'all like to see out of my blog in the new year? I'm open for suggestions!
Off to Dreamland again!
Miss Lifeguard!
Saturday, December 18, 2010
Sweetest Sister Ever!
Getting excited for Monday/Tuesday/All week!!!
Miss Lifeguard!
Friday, December 17, 2010
Christmas Goodies!
Ok so this is what my sister and I will be working on tonight and I simply can't wait!!! Granted she is a bit younger so keeping her focused and making it look perfect will be hard but I simply can't wait to have fun with her! So I figured why not blog what I'd like for them to look like then I will blog what they actually turn out like later tonight. We will also be working on my grandmothers recipe for Corn Flake Candy that has always been a favorite of mine. I can't wait but for now enjoy more pictures of yummy goodies.
Ok so later I will be posting pictures of how everything actually turns out for us! Can't wait to show you!
P.S. my cornflake candy is made with 1 c. sugar, 1 c. peanut butter, 1 c. light syrup and 6 c. corn flakes!
Miss Lifeguard
Thursday, December 16, 2010
Background Love!
In other news I have started working on a list of a lot of things I hope to work on in the new year and of course what is listed above is one of those things! Once I finish that list I am sure to post it but I want to have it fully complete and not continuously adding things because I want this blog to keep me in check!
Ahhh and the days are slowly counting down to Monday because I may get to see my love if not then I WILL see him Tuesday! I can't wait to spend the holidays with him because it just makes everything that much more cheerful!
Off to sleep land until tomorrow!
Miss Lifeguard
Wednesday, December 15, 2010
Stupid People At Gas Stations...
Next I finally made a Christmas wish list last night and was wondering what everyone had on theirs? I'll share mine with y"all now:
1. I'm dreaming for this but I know I probably won't get it = iPad
2. Kindle = ♥
3. Kardashian Konfidential and Sugar & Spice plus way more but these are my guilty pleasures!
4. Sephora Gift Card so I can do some damage!
Mainly I want the following with that gift card!!!
5. The Victoria's Secret UGA Pajama Sleeper Set = LOVE!!!
6. Dear John, Eclipse, Eat Pray Love, Letters to Juliet DVD's
7. A Jessica Simpson Luggage Set for all the traveling that I do!
I'm Kind of obsessed with this one because of all the cute anchors!
8. Fossil Watch!!!! = GORGEOUS!!!
Either one of these will be perfectly amazing on my wrist!
9. Things for Jonathan and I and our house! Which was partially answered because we got a free King Sized bed from a friend with bedding that is simply gorgeous all I need to do is strip the paint and repaint it!
Love y'all! Let me know what y'all would like to see more of! Plus juicy details of my weekend coming up soon!
Miss Lifeguard!
Saturday, December 4, 2010
Ladies and Gentlemen,....
Whereas I know that it is only an Associates it means that I am one step closer to getting my bachelors! If you know me well you know that me staying through classes is an amazing feat to be bragging about. It is sad to say but I want classes that challenge me with like minded students but yet I always end up in the class where we don't learn all the material that we should and on day long reviews I go out of my mind crazy because I'm ready to take the test and move on!!! So soon it will be smack dab in holiday season with degree number one and tons of time to blog and girls let me tell you I have lots and lots to blog about. Plus I have a sudden wedding to go to next weekend and need some style advice! Now ladies how many of you have dropped hints for months about that gorgeous pair of shoes that you wanted? I have done that tons of times before well this pair I was talking about was gladiator pumps and guess when my man decides to get them. Yes two days ago so that I can wear them to that wedding next weekend in the mountains in the cold but I can't complain because I am absolutely in LOVE with them! Yes I love Jessica Simpson Collection shoes and that is exactly what these pretty little babies are! So let me guess ya'll want to see a picture now? Ok well here it is...
Well crud muffins I tried but the picture won't pop up... so here is the link :
Can you tell that my lovely fiancee isn't thrilled about the wedding we must attend??? But more on that in another post! So I pose yet another question for my readers... that is if I still have any out there... what would ya'll like to see out of my blog ask me anything and I will post fashion, make up, random BS, anything and it is yours!!!
So until tomorrow when I will post more about this exciting wedding...NOT! Enjoy and leave me tons of suggestions ladies!
Miss Lifeguard!
Thursday, November 18, 2010
Whenever I was in high school I dreaded waking up in the morning to go to school. I knew the day would just be the same as the day before where I would be constantly made fun of. I never wore the right clothes because my parents didn't feel the need to spend $50-$100 on a pair of jeans that I'll admit I'd just ruin. Whether I'd get paint on them or mud I was a tomboy and had hardly any respect for clothing back then, old worn in jeans and t-shirts were just enough for me but that didn't stop my spirit from being broken by the comments. I wasn't from a rich family but my daddy sacrificed a lot for his job! I wasn't the prettiest girl, I had the uncontrollable curly/frizzy hair, I had/have crooked teeth because braces weren't affordable and at the time I passed out at the mention of a dentist or orthodontist (I have since overcome this fear and am in the works on trying to figure out how to get invisaligns so that I can later get vaneers over my teeth if possible.) I had a horrible unibrow (remember tomboys didn't give a shit about the girly things) and yes a had dark hair above my lip which is natural in my family because we just have really dark hair but waxing and nair work just fine now! Yes I'm opening up and this isn't something that I would normally ever do so if you have something rude to say please just don't comment because it will make you no better than the people I went to high school with. I had such a broken spirit in high school that I was lucky to get dates because after a while I quit using make up I always wore my hair up and instead of jeans I turned to sweats, needless to say it was horrid! I hated walking into the school building and facing all the people male or female that ever made fun or said rude comments to my face or behind my back that I later learned about. Still to this day whenever I see some of these people from my high school that I remember so vividly that broke me down I cringe and wish that I could curl up into a ball and just cry the pain away. Somehow I made it through the horrible bullying and I am so thankful I did because now I can say I"m making something of my life and I have found love and waxing, Nair, Flat irons and curling irons, and cute clothes that make me feel so glamorous at times that I never think about those horrible days of high school. I pray for all the families that have lost someone due to this bullying and I pray that others out there can find help or at least hold on because one day you will realize you are worth so much more than these people will ever realize!
~Miss Lifeguard
Sunday, November 14, 2010
Sad Day!
Friday, October 22, 2010
Milspose Round-Up
Ya'll head on over to Me and My SoldierMan and link up to participate in the Milspouse Roundup to meet some more Milspouses! Lets hope this is the beginning of my weekly post lets just pray I can post on more than a once a week basis. I need some inspiration ladies so anyone have any ideas?
~Miss Lifeguard!
Wednesday, October 20, 2010
Fashion in my mind...
~Miss Lifeguard
Sunday, October 17, 2010
Giving this a try... Again!
I have been going to school with a full load its exhausting... and frankly uninteresting...
I painted my nails gunmetal and I'm sorta loving it but its not the color I'm feeling right now and I can't find that either...
Tomorrow I will probably post a picture...
Next I am drooling and I mean I need a bib drooling over a pair of Calvin Klein Over The Knee Boots...
Let me know what ya'll think!
Plus I am considering selling my laptop to purchase a MacBook what does everyone think?
Ok so now its bedtime but more interesting things in the future and some awesome pictures!
I worked a golf tournament Friday that was supposed to be sexy beer cart girl that turned into bundled up ber cart girl but we made some great money for a great cause so I am happy!
~Miss Lifeguard!
Saturday, October 9, 2010
I'm Back!
So ladies what has been going on during my time away?
Can't wait to reconnect with everyone!
~Miss Lifeguard!
Tuesday, August 24, 2010
New Blog Name Ideas!
Miss Lifeguard & Mister Guardian
The Lifeguard & The Guardian
The Bookworm & The Puddle Pirate (LOL)
Ok let me know what you think and also I'd love some new great ideas!
Next I'd love to learn to redesign my blog page so I will be working on that while working on school work so wish me luck!
Can't wait for all ya'lls input!
Monday, August 23, 2010
Top 2 Tuesday! Amazingness!
This week it is Top 2 Indulgences...
So So Super Tough...
Biting my nails begins NOW!!!Ok but getting down to business..
Shoes!!!! I love them, all of them. Heels, wedges, tennis shoes, running shoes, pumps, and yes those beloved UGGs, and no Southern girl could live without her cowboy boots! So my latest purchase you may ask... well this picture is worth a thousand words in my opinion plus I'll add my two future purchases!

So my friend and I found these darling shoes $60 off of what they sell for so of course we yelled amazing I got this pair and she got the pair that I am about to post that I want next!

Super Cute/Comfy Undies!
Now this may sound crazy but my dad always told my mom to buy herself good undies that made her feel good and lasted longer than others and told her to raise her daughters that way! Well mom and dad I thank you because now Victoria's Secret loves to see me come in there store! No I don't go overboard but I don't run out for a while and I always shop whenever I have discount coupons so I stock up! But everything there makes me feel so sexy even if it's just a t-shirt bra and I love that feeling!

Don't get me wrong I could take out stock in their sweats and yoga pants too!
I loved doing this so much this week it got my mind off this crazy school week and crazy weekend ahead if just for a second. In December I'll have my Associates and ready to go elsewhere for my Bachelor degree and I can't wait! I'll try to get better at this I am now in the process of establishing a routine so it should be going smooth within the next week.
Can't wait to read more Top 2's this week!
Wednesday, August 18, 2010
Ughhhh sums it up about right...
Had to swap out a class today and waiting on books and just stressed in general...
Ready to get into full swing after this semester I will have my associates although it should be a bachelors..
And I will be able to write posts better after this semester or more professional!
Now to bed so I can rest before class tomorrow!
Night all!
Wednesday, August 11, 2010
The past few days in pictures!
Friday, August 6, 2010
Friday Fill-In I'm Back!

1. What is something you wished you’d learned to do earlier in life?
Cook, because I can only cook a few things and a few more with the help of Hamburger Helper so I'm tired of the same things over and over. Any advice ladies?
2. What is your biggest pet peeve with the military?
The uncertainty of scheduling. We had a big weekend trip planned about two weeks ago that got ruined. Yes I understand and no I'm not mad about it at all I respect when duty calls its just I hate bailing on people and sometimes they don't understand why because they don't live this lifestyle!
3. What tourist attraction near you have you never seen?
Well up here Michigan Adventures, but back home... I think I've seen them all except the things in the mountains... my family has never taken vacations to the mountains!
4. What are you avoiding doing right now?
Cleaning because I'm just too darn excited about going to get my camera but at least the dishes are halfway done before I made this post but soon I'll get back to it all!
5. Wine, beer or liquor?
Well this gets complicated. I used to like only liquor make me a Sex on the Beach and I was a happy lady all night long until I met my dear friend CA. Her dad created this craft brew and it is simply amazing! It is so smooth and crisp and no bitter after taste (yeah that taste that used to make me puke does not exists in this beer SWEET!) So yes now I can handle liquor and only and I mean only Those Guys Beer! If your curious that is the name of the beer!